bulkCreate method

Future<void> bulkCreate(
  1. Iterable<Insertable<$Dataclass>> f(
    1. $CreateCompanionCallback o
    ), {
  2. InsertMode? mode,
  3. UpsertClause<$Table, $Dataclass>? onConflict,

Create multiple rows in the table using the given function

All fields in a row that don't have a default value or auto-increment must be set and non-null. Otherwise, an InvalidDataException will be thrown. By default, an exception will be thrown if another row with the same primary key already exists. This behavior can be overridden with mode, for instance by using InsertMode.replace or InsertMode.insertOrIgnore. Using bulkCreate will not disable primary keys or any column constraint checks. onConflict can be used to create an upsert clause for engines that support it. For details and examples, see InsertStatement.insert.


Future<void> bulkCreate(
    Iterable<Insertable<$Dataclass>> Function($CreateCompanionCallback o) f,
    {InsertMode? mode,
    UpsertClause<$Table, $Dataclass>? onConflict}) {
  return $state.db.batch((b) => b.insertAll(
      $state._tableAsTableInfo, f($state._createCompanionCallback),
      mode: mode, onConflict: onConflict));