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Migrating to drift

The Dart and Flutter ecosystem provides great packages to access sqlite3 databases: sqflite uses Flutter-specific platform channels talking to sqlite3 libraries from the operating system, while sqlite3 uses dart:ffi to bind to the native library without platform channels. Drift is built ontop of these lower-level packages to provide additional features, such as:

sqflite and sqlite3 are amazing packages, and they are great tools for applications using sqlite3. Especially once the database becomes more complex, the additional features provided by drift make managing and querying the database much easier. For those interested in adopting drift while currently using another package to manage sqlite databases, this page provides guides on how to migrate to drift.


First, add a dependency on drift and related packages used to generate code to your app:

  drift: ^2.21.0

  drift_dev: ^2.21.0
  build_runner: ^2.4.13

Or, simply run this:

dart pub add drift dev:drift_dev dev:build_runner

To start with code generation, drift requires a database class that you define. This class references the tables to include as well as logic describing how to open it. Create a file called database.dart (every name is possible of course, just remember to update the part statement when using a different file name) somewhere under lib/ and use the following snippet

import 'package:drift/drift.dart';

part 'database.g.dart';

// include: {'schema.drift'}
class AppDatabase extends _$AppDatabase {
AppDatabase() : super(_openDatabase());

int get schemaVersion => throw UnimplementedError(
'todo: The schema version used by your existing database',

MigrationStrategy get migration {
return MigrationStrategy(
: (m) async {
await m.createAll();
: (m, from, to) async {
// This is similar to the `onUpgrade` callback from sqflite. When
// migrating to drift, it should contain your existing migration logic.
// You can access the raw database by using `customStatement`
: (details) async {
// This is a good place to enable pragmas you expect, e.g.
await customStatement('pragma foreign_keys = ON;');

static QueryExecutor _openDatabase() {
throw UnimplementedError(
'todo: Open database compatible with the one that already exists',


To fix the errors in that snippet, generate code with

dart run build_runner build

This will generate the database.g.dart file with the relevant superclass.

Opening a drift database

A suitable implementation of _openDatabase depends on the database you've previously used. If you have been using sqflite directly, you can use a drift implementation based on sqflite. For that, run dart pub add drift_sqflite. Then, if you have previously been using

var databasesPath = await getDatabasesPath();
var path = join(databasesPath, 'demo.db');
var database = await openDatabase(path, version: ...);

You can open the same database with drift like this:

import 'package:drift_sqflite/drift_sqflite.dart';

static QueryExecutor _openDatabase() {
  return SqfliteQueryExecutor.inDatabaseFolder(path: 'db.sqlite');

On the other hand, if you have previously been using package:sqlite3 or package:sqlite_async, your database code may have looked like this:

var dbFolder = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
var path = p.join(dbFolder.path, 'demo.db');
var database =;

Here, a matching drift implementation would be:

import 'package:drift/native.dart';

static QueryExecutor _openDatabase() {
  return LazyDatabase(() async {
    var dbFolder = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
    var file = File(p.join(dbFolder.path, 'db.sqlite'));

    return NativeDatabase.createInBackground(file);

Telling drift about your database

The current snippets allow opening your existing database through drift APIs, but drift doesn't know anything about your tables yet. With sqflite or sqlite3, you have created your tables with CREATE TABLE statements. Drift has a Dart-based DSL able to define tables in Dart, but it can also interpret CREATE TABLE statements by parsing them at compile time.

Since you probably still have the CREATE TABLE strings available in your code, using them is the easiest way to import your schema into drift. For instance, you may have previously been setting up tables like this:

openDatabase(..., onCreate: (db, version) async {
await db.execute(

All your CREATE statements can be imported into drift with a drift file. To get started, add a schema.drift file next to your database.dart file with the following content:

  name TEXT,
  value INTEGER,
  num REAL

Next, uncomment the include parameter on the @DriftDatabase annotation:

@DriftDatabase(include: {'schema.drift'})

After re-generating code with dart run build_runner build, drift will have generated necessary code describing your database schema. In addition to CREATE TABLE statements, drift also supports CREATE TRIGGER, CREATE INDEX and CREATE VIEW statements in drift files. Other statements, like those setting pragmas, have to be put into the beforeOpen section with customStatement invocations.

Migrating your existing database code

Even without informing drift about the tables in your database, you can already use low-level APIs on the database class to run queries:

  • customSelect replaces rawQuery from package:sqflite and select from package:sqflite.
  • customStatement can be used to issue other statements for which you don't need the results. To run statements where you need to know the amount of affected rows afterwards, use customUpdate or customDelete. Finally, if you need to know the generated id for inserts, use customInsert.

But of course, features like auto-updating streams and type-safety are only available when using higher-level drift APIs. Different approaches can be used to convert existing query code to drift:

SQL statements in drift files

In addition to the CREATE TABLE statements you're using to define your database, drift files can include named SQL queries. For instance, if you're previously used something like this:

database.rawQuery('SELECT * FROM Test WHERE value > ?', [12]);

Then you can copy the query into a drift file, like this:

findWithValue: SELECT * FROM Test WHERE value > ?;

After re-running the build, drift has generated a matching method exposing the query. This method automatically returns the correct row type and has a correctly-typed parameter for the ? variable in SQL:

Future<List<TestData>> queryWithGeneratedCode() async {
return findWithValue(12).get();

Especially for users already familiar with SQL, drift files are a very powerful feature to structure databases. You can of course mix definitions from drift files with tables and queries defined in Dart if that works better. For more information about drift files, see their documentation page.

Dart queries

Drift provides a query builder in Dart, which can be used to write SQL statements. For example, the SELECT * FROM Test WHERE value > ? query from the previous example can also be written like this:

Stream<List<TestData>> queryWithDartCode() {
final query = select(test)..where((row) => row.value.isBiggerThanValue(12));

Here, watch() is used instead of get() in the end to automatically turn the statement into an auto-updating stream.

For more information about the dart_api, see this overview.

Next steps

This page gave a quick overview on the steps used to migrate to existing sqlite3 databases to drift. Drift has to offer a lot, and not every feature was highlighted in this quick guide. After completing the initial migration, you can browse the docs to learn more about drift and its features.

If you need more help with drift, or have questions on migrating, there's an active community happy to help! A great way to ask is by starting a discussion on the GitHub project.