Writes (update, insert, delete)
Updates and deletes¶
You can use the generated classes to update individual fields of any row:
Future moveImportantTasksIntoCategory(Category target) {
// for updates, we use the "companion" version of a generated class. This wraps the
// fields in a "Value" type which can be set to be absent using "Value.absent()". This
// allows us to separate between "SET category = NULL" (`category: Value(null)`) and not
// updating the category at all: `category: Value.absent()`.
return (update(todos)
..where((t) => t.title.like('%Important%'))
category: Value(target.id),
Future updateTodo(Todo entry) {
// using replace will update all fields from the entry that are not marked as a primary key.
// it will also make sure that only the entry with the same primary key will be updated.
// Here, this means that the row that has the same id as entry will be updated to reflect
// the entry's title, content and category. As its where clause is set automatically, it
// cannot be used together with where.
return update(todos).replace(entry);
Future feelingLazy() {
// delete the oldest nine tasks
return (delete(todos)..where((t) => t.id.isSmallerThanValue(10))).go();
clause on updates or deletes,
the statement will affect all rows in the table!
Entries, companions - why do we need all of this?
You might have noticed that we used a TodosCompanion
for the first update instead of
just passing a Todo
. Drift generates the Todo
class (also called data
class for the table) to hold a full row with all its data. For partial data,
prefer to use companions. In the example above, we only set the the category
so we used a companion.
Why is that necessary? If a field was set to null
, we wouldn't know whether we need
to set that column back to null in the database or if we should just leave it unchanged.
Fields in the companions have a special Value.absent()
state which makes this explicit.
Companions also have a special constructor for inserts - all columns which don't have
a default value and aren't nullable are marked @required
on that constructor. This makes
companions easier to use for inserts because you know which fields to set.
Updating with SQL expressions¶
In some cases, you might want to update many rows based on their current value.
One option would be to first select the affected rows into Dart objects, create companions
based on those results and use them for updates.
If the update can be described in SQL, a more efficient way is available with Companion.custom
await db
.write(UsersCompanion.custom(username: db.users.username.lower()));
Here, the name
column in the users
table is changed to lowercase for all existing rows.
Since .lower()
on columns is implemented in the database, the rows don't have to be loaded
into Dart during the statement.
You can very easily insert any valid object into tables. As some values can be absent (like default values that we don't have to set explicitly), we again use the companion version.
// returns the generated id
Future<int> addTodo(TodosCompanion entry) {
return into(todos).insert(entry);
title: Value('Important task'),
content: Value('Refactor persistence code'),
method will throw
Multiple insert statements can be run efficiently by using a batch. To do that, you can
use the insertAll
method inside a batch
Future<void> insertMultipleEntries() async{
await batch((batch) {
// functions in a batch don't have to be awaited - just
// await the whole batch afterwards.
batch.insertAll(todos, [
title: 'First entry',
content: 'My content',
title: 'Another entry',
content: 'More content',
// columns that aren't required for inserts are still wrapped in a Value:
category: Value(3),
// ...
Batches are similar to transactions in the sense that all updates are happening atomically, but they enable further optimizations to avoid preparing the same SQL statement twice. This makes them suitable for bulk insert or update operations.
Upserts are a feature from newer sqlite3 versions that allows an insert to behave like an update if a conflicting row already exists.
This allows us to create or override an existing row when its primary key is part of its data:
class Users extends Table {
TextColumn get email => text()();
TextColumn get name => text()();
Set<Column> get primaryKey => {email};
Future<int> createOrUpdateUser(User user) {
return into(users).insertOnConflictUpdate(user);
When calling createOrUpdateUser()
with an email address that already exists,
that user's name will be updated. Otherwise, a new user will be inserted into
the database.
Inserts can also be used with more advanced queries. For instance, let's say we're building a dictionary and want to keep track of how many times we encountered a word. A table for that might look like
class Words extends Table {
TextColumn get word => text()();
IntColumn get usages => integer().withDefault(const Constant(1))();
Set<Column> get primaryKey => {word};
By using a custom upserts, we can insert a new word or increment its usages
counter if it already exists:
Future<void> trackWord(String word) {
return into(words).insert(
WordsCompanion.insert(word: word),
onConflict: DoUpdate(
(old) => WordsCompanion.custom(usages: old.usages + Constant(1))),
Unique constraints and conflict targets
Both insertOnConflictUpdate
and onConflict: DoUpdate
use an DO UPDATE
upsert in sql. This requires us to provide a so-called "conflict target", a
set of columns to check for uniqueness violations. By default, drift will use
the table's primary key as conflict target. That works in most cases, but if
you have custom UNIQUE
constraints on some columns, you'll need to use
the target
parameter on DoUpdate
in Dart to include those columns:
markdown: html
class MatchResults extends Table {
IntColumn get id => integer().autoIncrement()();
TextColumn get teamA => text()();
TextColumn get teamB => text()();
BoolColumn get teamAWon => boolean()();
List<Set<Column<Object>>>? get uniqueKeys => [
{teamA, teamB}
Future<void> insertMatch(String teamA, String teamB, bool teamAWon) {
final data = MatchResultsCompanion.insert(
teamA: teamA, teamB: teamB, teamAWon: teamAWon);
return into(matches).insert(data,
DoUpdate((old) => data, target: [matches.teamA, matches.teamB]));
Note that this requires a fairly recent sqlite3 version (3.24.0) that might not
be available on older Android devices when using drift_sqflite
. NativeDatabases
and sqlite3_flutter_libs
includes the latest sqlite on Android, so consider using
it if you want to support upserts.
Also note that the returned rowid may not be accurate when an upsert took place.
You can use insertReturning
to insert a row or companion and immediately get the row it inserts.
The returned row contains all the default values and incrementing ids that were
Note: This uses the RETURNING
syntax added in sqlite3 version 3.35, which is not available on most operating systems by default. When using this method, make sure that you have a recent sqlite3 version available. This is the case with sqlite3_flutter_libs
For instance, consider this snippet using the tables from the getting started guide:
final row = await into(todos).insertReturning(TodosCompanion.insert(
title: 'A todo entry',
content: 'A description',
The row
returned has the proper id
set. If a table has further default
values, including dynamic values like CURRENT_TIME
, then those would also be
set in a row returned by insertReturning