TableMigration constructor
- TableInfo<
Table, dynamic> affectedTable, { - Map<
GeneratedColumn< columnTransformer = const {},Object> , Expression<Object> > - List<
GeneratedColumn< newColumns = const [],Object> >
Creates migration description on the affectedTable
this.affectedTable, {
this.columnTransformer = const {},
this.newColumns = const [],
}) {
// All new columns must either have a transformation or a default value of
// some kind
final problematicNewColumns = <String>[];
for (final column in newColumns) {
// isRequired returns false if the column has a client default value that
// would be used for inserts. We can't apply the client default here
// though, so it doesn't count as a default value.
final isRequired =
column.requiredDuringInsert || column.clientDefault != null;
if (isRequired && !columnTransformer.containsKey(column)) {
if (problematicNewColumns.isNotEmpty) {
throw ArgumentError(
"Some of the newColumns don't have a default value and aren't included "
'in columnTransformer: ${problematicNewColumns.join(', ')}. \n'
'To add columns, make sure that they have a default value or write an '
'expression to use in the columnTransformer map.',