createContext method

GenerationContext createContext(
  1. Insertable<D> entry,
  2. InsertMode mode,
  3. {UpsertClause<T, D>? onConflict,
  4. bool returning = false}

Creates a GenerationContext which contains the sql necessary to run an insert statement fro the entry with the mode.

This method is used internally by drift. Consider using insert instead.


GenerationContext createContext(Insertable<D> entry, InsertMode mode,
    {UpsertClause<T, D>? onConflict, bool returning = false}) {

  final rawValues = entry.toColumns(true);

  // apply default values for columns that have one
  final map = <String, Expression>{};
  for (final column in table.$columns) {
    final columnName = column.$name;

    if (rawValues.containsKey(columnName)) {
      final value = rawValues[columnName]!;
      map[columnName] = value;
    } else {
      if (column.clientDefault != null) {
        map[columnName] = column._evaluateClientDefault();

    // column not set, and doesn't have a client default. So just don't
    // include this column

  // The rowid is not included in the list of columns since it doesn't show
  // up in selects, but we should also add that value to the map for inserts.
  if (rawValues.containsKey('rowid')) {
    map['rowid'] = rawValues['rowid']!;

  final ctx = GenerationContext.fromDb(database);

    ..write(' INTO ')
    ..write(' ');

  if (map.isEmpty) {
    ctx.buffer.write('DEFAULT VALUES');
  } else {
    writeInsertable(ctx, map);

  _writeOnConflict(ctx, mode, entry, onConflict);

  if (returning) {
    ctx.buffer.write(' RETURNING *');
  } else if (ctx.dialect == SqlDialect.postgres) {
    if (table.$primaryKey.length == 1) {
      final id = table.$primaryKey.firstOrNull;
      if (id != null && id.type == {
        ctx.buffer.write(' RETURNING ${}');

  return ctx;